Thursday, August 7, 2008

Point Break

If you've ever seen Point Break - despite the poor acting of Keanu Reeves (it's a fave)- you might remember the quote, "Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true."

Tonight a series of events got me thinking about people and their fears -which often lead to their breaking points. Whether it's a bar fight, a frustrating decision about life's future path, love trouble, losing a grandparent- you name it- we all hit breaking points where we no longer feel the connection with our logical selves and we break emotionally be it through anger, grief, or maybe impulse decisions.

Brett Favre hit his breaking point in March...or so we thought. Was he afraid? Or did he hesitate? Or is it merely indecisiveness and what's the cause?

We can blame alcohol, say, for a crazy rant in a bar or a mean exchange with someone we love. But once we hit that point, is there any turning around? Can anyone bring us back from the ledge?

For me, it is fear. Fear causes hesitation - and I refuse to acknowledge the fear. Therefore, jump- attack- don't let the fear manifest itself. Take control of the situation so that you won't realize your worst fears. You question your value - so you drink heavily, or pick a fight with someone to make yourself feel good. You're lonely- so you seize the opportunity to be with someone you don't care all that much about. You don't know if you're any good at what you do - so you quit, or blame the people in charge. Or you lose someone you love - so you try to make sure the people you still have around know you love them. Really know, no matter how hard it is to say or to hear.

Tomorrow I hope I'm not afraid. But I hope I don't hesitate either. I hope I can believe I'm good at what I do, now. I hope I let the people I love know they are loved, now. And I hope I close my eyes and cherish their company just a little longer while I am still in it -now.

~Ericksons, you are in our thoughts and prayers.~

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