The Republican Party of Sauk County adopted a resolution rejecting the GOP candidacy of U.S. Senate candidate Dick Leinenkugel.Perhaps I'm being harsh. on second thought, NO.
“Obviously, Mr. Leinenkugel has spent too much time in the family tasting room”, says Sauk Co. GOP chairman Tim McCumber in a press release issued today. “This isn’t a matter of someone who might be in the middle of the road or even a ‘RINO’ (Republican in Name Only); this guy is a ‘DIRC’ – a Democrat in Republican Clothes."
Leinenkugel, a Commerce Secretary under Dem Gov. Jim Doyle, announced his candidacy this week. He enters a Republican primary that includes Madison developer Terrence Wall and Watertown businessman David Westlake. Oshkosh businessman Ron Johnson is also expected to enter the primary, sources tell WisPolitics.
The resolution says not only will the county party reject Leinenkugel's candidacy, but also the party will refuse to invite him to any county events will recruit other counties to support the resolution for debate on the floor at the Republican Convention next month in Milwaukee.
Did any county party write a letter or a resolution attempting to knock out Mark Green or Scott Walker during the 2006 primary? How about the 2004 Senate primary with Welch, Michels and Darrow? No (even though maybe they should have, but I'm biased)! It's NOT the Wisconsin way. We accept those candidates who want to run and give them all equal time leading up to the Primary, until they drop out because they suck... I mean, can't raise money.
Wisconsin already has Walker's campaign on the rampage enlisting volunteer support to whine about "Neumann claiming he's the GOP on the phone" and the nasty bickering back and forth between campaigns. (Note: Dear Scott Walker, put it in a brown bag and sack it. Run your campaign and stop the B.S.)
So what if someone entered the primary against T.Wall and Dave Westlake? Neither are going to win against Feingold. Leinenkugel has cash, a well-known name ID, and he's willing to do the work. Clearly, he has strong feelings about the race or he wouldn't have entered because he would have supported someone already running.
I know the Sauk County claim to fame is Circus World, but if anything, Sauk County Republicans, you're only contributing to the Circus that is Wisconsin Republican primaries!
Go ahead and act like babies. Perhaps Leinenkugel would even make a good Senator and vote the way we want him to if elected. But you're too snotty to care.
Go ahead, vote for Feingold. Since that's what you just did, clowns.
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