Sunday, December 16, 2007

Romney Meets the Press

This morning on Meet the Press, Tim Russert spent the majority of an hour grilling Governor Romney on his "past" statements and his most recent explanations of what he stands for on each issue from stem cells to FeeFees.

What I found most interesting was Romney's cool and calm. He remained, under every instance, collected and able to step back and say "let's look at the facts here and why I said such and such," helping bring the clips Russert was often referring to into context and perspective.

It may seem I'm on the bus, but I'm not for any candidate just yet. I do see, however, how Romney could easily sit at any round table- cabinet members to world leaders- and lead a discussion, drawing on others for their input and carefully weighing all information provided. He can keep a level head and perspective. He does not fluster easily.

One of my favorite moments from this morning came in an answer to a question on illegal immigration and amnesty.
MR. RUSSERT: The children they had born here are U.S. citizens, so do the children stay here and the parents go home?

GOV. ROMNEY: Well, that's a choice, of course, the parents would, would make.
Bingo- personal responsibility. Mitt is a Federalist in terms of government control and plans, but also a level-headed parent and grandparent who I believe thinks the responsibility starts at home.

And as to the allegations that Romney is a flip flopper, we wonder if we can take him at his word today?
MR. RUSSERT: look at those comments and quotes all--on every one of these issues, there has been an--a--an evolution, an intellectual journey on all these issues.

GOV. ROMNEY: Oh, Tim, if you're looking for someone who's never changed any positions on any policies, then I'm not your guy. I, I do learn from experience. If you want someone who doesn't learn from experience, who stubbornly takes a, a position on, on a particular act and says, "Well, I'm never changing my view based on what I've learned," that, that doesn't make sense to me.
I think we have to take him at his word. None of the candidates are perfect. The question is, who can we see leading the nation?

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