Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine's Day note to Hallmark

Dear Hallmark~
To Hallmark and other greeting card companies, I’d like to make what I believe to be a simple, common-sensical request, but now appears ridiculous and needy.

Would you PLEASE design a decent Valentine’s Day card for a grown woman (think above 13 years of age) to give to her father?

This is not in any way creepy or incestual, but merely a decent thing to provide to your customers. As a 26 year old, for the past 3-4 years, I have been literally unable to find an appropriate Valentine’s Day card to give to my father. Why, you ask? Because you design them either:
a) With Peanut’s characters
b) As if a cartoon weasel would actually sit on her father’s lap
c) Or not at all.
I looked in 5 dfferent stores – Walmart, K-Mart, Target, CVS, and Wal-Mart in another city! Still, to no avail. I can NOT give my father a Twilight-themed V-Day card. He has no idea what Vampires or Werewolves are, nor why I sent "Team Edward" Valentines to all of my college girlfriends...but that's a story for another post.

It’s simple. My father was the first man I ever gave my heart to. And he’s a great dad. For all the mom cards and wife cards and husband cards (and I did find great choices for my mother and sister), you’d think Dad’s could get shown a little love from the Hallmark clan.

I’d appreciate your prompt attention to this matter for next Valentine’s day, exactly 364 days away. Plenty of time for crafting sentimental goodness for a “Father’s Valentine’s Day Card.”

In the spirit of Valentine's day = chocolate,

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