Monday, September 10, 2007

A new thought

What would happen if we didn't release the video tapes of Osama Bin Laden telling America to abandon capitalism and reform to Islam? What if we didn't allow the terrorists to "mark" the anniversary of 9-11?

What if we didn't propagandize that people in the middle east hate our way of life?

What if we didn't publish an American soldier body count each week? Why can't we decide to celebrate the soldiers fighting for freedom and their accomplishments in Iraq rather than critize the President and placate the liberals with empty phrases like "we support the troops." Support the effort too.

Why couldn't we remember the attacks- but in a way that honors those who died for their country, their freedom, for our continuing freedom? By replaying the footage of the buildings collapsing, followed by our President in total resolve, vowing to track the enemy down and bring them to justice. Not Osama bin Laden reminding us we are hated.

What would happen if we just didn't allow the Islamic radicals a voice?



capper said...

Why would you want the video of 9/11 played over, but not know what is going on in Iraq. They are both American tragedies, but otherwise unrelated (at least initially). Or is it easier to maintain the delusions of the right without the harsh light of reality on them.

lms said...

I think the videos should be played every day- so people don't forget what it is we are protecting/ what we are fighting for. And what I'd like to see out of Iraq are the success stories: Iraqi children high-fiving American soldiers- the solders' living through terrible conditions so that we can have freedom here at home -Iraqi policemen doing their jobs, new schools, women being educated, all the good that is being done!! THAT is what I would like to see.

capper said...

I would like to see that as well, but just as the American people need to be reminded of the horror of 9/11, they need to be reminded of the epic horror which is war. They need to know the price that the ill-advised invasion is costing us as a society.