Sunday, January 20, 2008

Should we fear McCain?

Last night, McCain won South Carolina.

All of you 'conservatives' supporting John McCain - you can have your balding eagle in disguise. After his win in South Carolina last night, I am starting to become concerned.

John McCain may be a hawk when it comes to war issues. He would make a wonderful Secretary of Defense. However, I had a few thoughts about his stances on social issues:
1. Flip-flopper from on gay marriage -was for it and is now against it -on the road to "moderation" baby!
2. Inconsistent on his abortion stance - seems to change when he's running for office, hmmmm.
3. Worried about those crazy right-wing evangelical "agents of intolerance"- wouldn't the Religious Right still harbor an insulted spirit from his words in 2000?
4. For crying out loud, John Kerry asked him to be his running mate in 2004!

Is anyone as frightened as I am?

But perhaps it is not only the social standards we should hold John McCain to - after all, I can almost stomach Rudy or Thompson as our candidate, Romney too in all their pro-choice flip-flopping glory.

It's Three other words: McCain-Feingold & Shamnesty. Anyone who thinks the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act was not one of the more leftist acts of our modern United States Congress needs to stop sniffing the glue. To completely change campaign finance and in doing so, essentially shut out the conservative voices as 527groups for the Dems grew like dandelion weeds, is clearly not an act of conservative politics. Sure it passed with overwhelming Democrat support- so do we blame Republicans for not stopping it? We certainly don't praise John McCain.

And Shamnesty. He's more left on illegal immigration than most liberals! He could care less about improving interior enforcement against the illegals already inside. He has consistently voted for amnesty for them.

And while most candidates don't have the innocent personal lives of George W. Bush, the rumor- though I believe it true- of McCain's open marriage hasn't made the press and it really bothers me. I want to respect my First Lady, and the President for their personal lives, and their public fronts.
"If McCain wins Florida he will be unstoppable and he may just, given the support he obtained from retirees in South Carolina and military personnel."
Last night certainly wasn't a pretty day for Republicans in South Carolina.

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