Monday, June 11, 2007

On this day, June 11th

in 1776: The Continental Congress formed a committee of five men to draft a Declaration of Independence from Britain. The committee included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

Did you know - Franklin made 48 edits to Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration, upon Jefferson's request?

The most important of his edits was small but resounding. He crossed out, using
the heavy backslashes that he often employed, the last three words of
Jefferson's phrase "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable" and
changed them to the words now enshrined in history: "We hold these truths to be

Jefferson's second draft, after incorporating those changes, would be presented to the Continental Congress only 17 days later, June 28th. Jefferson had a speedy pen.

I encourage everyone to read aloud to yourself the Declaration before July 4th - truly remind ourselves what Freedom and Independence mean. When we wear our red,white, and blue, let us reflect on the specifically chosen words and the reasons behind them.

Tidbit for thought: At the signing, July 4th - less than a month after the forming of the committee, Franklin is quoted as having stated: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately," a play on words indicating that failure to stay united and succeed would risk being tried and executed, individually, for treason.
What a different united States we live in today. Be grateful.

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