Monday, August 13, 2007

secular Left makes an unGodly threat

I'm reading Newt Gingrich's Rediscovering God in America. Along with the profound genius of the man come a few quotes I find incredibly pressing:

"...the secular Left cannot accurately teach American history without addressing America's religious character and its religious heritage, so it simply ignores the topic. If you don't teach about the Founding Fathers, you don't have to teach about our Creator. If you don't teach about Abraham Lincoln, you don't have to deal with fourteen references to God and two Bible verses in his 703-word second inaugural address. That speech is actually carved into the wall of the Lincoln Memorial in a permanent affront to every radical secularist who visits this public building. You have to wonder how soon there will be a lawsuit to scrape the references of God and the Bible off the monument so as not to offend those who hate or despise religious expression" (14).

Stay tuned, or read excerpts.


capper said...

Given Newt's personal behavior, is he really the person who should be speaking of religion or moral uprightness?

lms said...

You're missing the point. The book is about God and Christian ideals throughout our history- that the founding fathers intended to be there, and the attack of the Left to try to wipe God off our money, our building walls, take the 10 commandments out of public squares, etc.

capper said...

No, I got your point. My point is that having some atheist crying about where a carving of the 10 commandments is located is a lot less damaging to Christianity, than having it prostelized by someone that refuses to practice what he preaches. Why would people follow a faith when it loudest proponents make a mockery of what they are holding as sacred?

lms said...

I think the word you're looking for is proselytized. Newt is not saying that those crying about the 10 commandements in the public square is damaging to the religion of Christianity. It's damaging to our nation as a whole.

I really would encourage you to actually go and READ the book I'm referring to. He's talking about the FOUNDING FATHERS' urgency in including religion in government and daily life-in the public square. This is not about how one practices religion.

I am not blogging about Newt's personal behavior, nor is it the topic of the book.

If you're not a Christian, or you want the 10 commandments off our buildings, prayer and moments of silence taken out of school, "Under God" taken out of the pledge of allegiance, I suggest you post a comment about THAT. Not personal attacks on a brilliant man who sees the value in history and in GOD as part of what has shaped our nation to become the free America it is.

capper said...

Thank you for the spelling correction. FYI- I am a Christian, and that is why I protest someone like Gingrich going on about religion and its importance. His behaviors belittles and belies the message, and then the whole suffers for it.

As for the rest, that has been debated for years, and not worth rehashing.

lms said...

Thanks, Capper. I'm a Christian too and think Newt is a great asset against the liberal wackos who want to take God out of the pledge and history lessons for our children!

Christians have been giving Christians a BAD name since before you or I were born, I'm certain of it. And before we throw stones,let's not be so high and mighty and look in the mirror. I'm sure you've done a few things that haven't presented a picture-perfect image of Jesus to others as well. I know I'm guilty.