Friday, October 12, 2007

Atheists act like picky children at dinner

This weekend, atheists and agnostics are having a convention of sorts in Madison, the 'City of acceptance'.
Members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, will gather for a weekend of nonprayer breakfasts and raffles for God-free currency at the group's 30th annual convention.
As they gather for their moments of loudness, take white-out to dollar bills, and preach about poisonous religion (yes, pun intended), I can't help but wonder: Why are Atheists so "anti"? Do they honestly think believers (not just Christians, but any person with a religious belief) are out to get them?
"It's kind of a celebration, a celebration of free thought," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, the foundation's co-president. "It's also a chance to recharge your batteries for separation of church/state activism."
Perhaps this is too philosophical, but why can we not have free thought and still believe in a higher power? As to the separation of church and state- please see my earlier posts on Newt.

There's another telling quote in this article:
Instead of a prayer or a moment of silence, Saturday's nonprayer breakfast will include the foundation's traditional "Moment of Bedlam." That's when those sitting down to eat can make as much noise as they want by pounding their silverware, reading their favorite poem or simply yelling.

"It's our chance to fight back," Barker said. "How many events have you gone to and you've been told to bow your head in prayer?"
Fight back? Who are you fighting? Have people ever come around and physically forced your head down to the ground? Usually during an invocation, the leader says something like "Let us," "shall we," or "please bow your heads with me." These are not commands, you are not shackled to a post that yanks your neck uncomfortably downward.

I don't even pray with my eyes closed sometimes. Talk about fighting the system!

It seems awfully trivial in practice. I hope they feel stupid during their bedlam. It is one thing to gather and celebrate believing in nothing. It is quite another MOCK believers while doing so. Let's elevate the discourse, shall we?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent. Thoughtful statements of what seems so obvious, but must be said over and over. Good for you. Fight back....