Tuesday, October 2, 2007


U.S. Military Casualties in Iraq Fall to Lowest Since July '06

It's about time they reported some good news for a change.


capper said...

So, you think 2 American soldiers and 33 Iraqis getting killed every day is good news?

lms said...

Long time, no see Capper. Actually, I am grateful to see military casualities FALLING and Iraqi civilian deaths at their lowest. Did you even read the title of the article?

I'll put it in layman's terms- lower death tolls = good, for US and Iraq.

You can save the "war kills babies" remarks for another blog.

capper said...

I see, no debate allowed here, only parrots. My apologies.

lms said...

You're putting words in my mouth. I'm not shutting out debate- as you can see from previous posts and commentary. I do however, dislike the low-blows offered in your original post on this entry.

I do not wish death upon any American soldier or Iraqi civilian. I don't believe anyone does, hence the celebratory attitude I displayed in hearing death tolls are down. I simply do not have interest in hearing the argument that "war is bad, it kills people." That is for people who have nothing better to do that hold a sign of a burnt baby while standing outside a government institution in protest, tugging on the heart strings of Americans and avoiding the larger issue of why we are at war. This war has a greatly important purpose that I will defend.

Perhaps in the spirit of real debate, we should offer more substantial material and keep it clean.