Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pop corn w/ Cells

Is anyone frightened a little by this?


Anonymous said...

Seeing as how those videos have been thoroughly debunked... no... I'm not frightened one bit by them.

It doesn't make one lick of scientific evidence. Microwave popcorn works b/c the microwave actually boils the water that is contained in the popcorn, making it explode.

If cell phones were actually capable of doing that, then when you used a cell phone, it would also be able to boil the water that is in your skin, causing excruciating pain.

Anonymous said...

You do realize this is a hoax, right?

This was a viral marketting campaign for a cellphone headset manufacturer.

lms said...

You all are serious downers. Talk about spoiling the fun.

Just wait till you see The Dark Night. The prison/cell phone scene...