Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A plea


If you have a problem with someone, please, PLEASE, strap on some balls and go tell that person to their face. Work it out.

Don't pull a disappearance, don't ignore them, don't let things boil up for weeks and not address issues until they blow up and you hurt someone.

I know I'm going to work on that too.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Oh... I've pulled the disappearance. It can be more effective than you think. It really depends in the end on whether you want to make up or not.

Because if you don't actually want to make up... then what's the point of the confrontation other than to have a pissing match?

lms said...

perhaps I'm a confrontation whore, but I believe in saying what you need to say, putting it all on the table.

when you bottle things up and ignore someone, it hurts them more than you can imagine.

and, women are different communicators than men. it's about meeting people half-way, not about hiding behind technology because you're too scared to put your emotions out there or resolve a conflict.

i suppose i want to show the people i love how i value them above all