My mother, a leader, music leader, first aider. My sister, a gold-awardee. Me, a daisy, a brownie, a girl scout drop-out.
So I didn't make it all the way. But I know what the Girl Scouts stand for and was proud to be one. However, coming upon this article about revamping the girl scout uniforms to broaden their appeal to the technologically advanced young girls of today, I am disappointed.
At its national convention in October, the Girl Scouts will officially endorse the new uniform for scouts in the fourth grade and older: a sash or vest that displays achievement badges, worn over the scout's own white shirt and khaki pants or skirt.Aside from new decals on cookie boxes (um, won't sell more, they still taste the same and everyone knows what a Thin Mint is w/o the box), reaching out to the "non-activity" mall-goers, why do I feel the girl scouts are apologizing for their trademarks, and bending to allow 'self-expression' and not offend anyone? Did Planned Parenthood give you these ideas?
"That gives them the opportunity for self-expression," says Ms. Cloninger. Scouts at the Daisy and Brownie levels, usually students from kindergarten through the third grade, will keep their trademark blue and brown uniforms.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about expanding GS outreach and updating a look for the times. However, Girl Scount uniforms look sharp for a reason.

The worst thing is having a ceremony, and you've got girls lined up in their skirts, shirts, ties, and sashes or vests at a ceremony, and then one lone girl on the end in jeans and a dirty t-shirt. It was always embarrasing. Now with this 'wear their own shirt and khakis' tude- which by the way won't happen - these girls are going to look like the schmucks working at Walmart with only a dress code too.
Every girl, and every parent, is going to have a different idea of what's acceptable and what looks good. Frankly, I think it's dirty, sloppy, and reflects poorly on the organization. Let them wear their own gear when you're camping, but not at meetings or ceremonies.
I guess I should be thankful they haven't proposed an overhaul of the promise by now. God forbid a group of girls recite "On my honor, I will try to Serve God, and my country...."
I guess I can handle the "dress code" now, but let's clean it up GirlS!