House Republicans have launched an ad attacking a freshman Wisconsin Democrat over his ties to embattled Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (N.Y.), the first of a series of attempts to use Rangel's ongoing ethics woes as an anchor around the necks of vulnerable Democratic incumbents.
The ad -- the first from the National Republican Congressional Committee -- hits Rep. Steve Kagen (Wis.) as having "found a friend in corrupt New York City Congressman Charlie Rangel." The evidence? The $16,000 in donations that Kagen took from Rangel, and the alleged quid pro quo that led Kagen to support a $2 million earmark for a "personal office and library" for Rangel. Kagen is facing a rematch against state Rep. John Gard; Kagen beat Gard 51 percent to 49 percent.)
Ken Spain, a spokesman for the NRCC, predicted there would be many more ads tying targeted Democratic incumbents to Rangel in the final five weeks before the election. "Whether it is their support for irresponsible economic policies, opposition to drilling, or stashing thousands in campaign donations from Charlie Rangel, we plan to hold Democrats accountable in the run-up to Election Day," said Spain.
(The NRCC is up with a second ad in Pennsylvania's 3rd district that hits Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper for her "wacky ideas." Dahlkemper is challenging Republican Rep. Phil English.)
Will the "Rangel strategy" work? Hard to say.
On the one hand, people are ready to believe almost anything negative about Congress. And, judging from Republican losses last cycle, the "culture of corruption" argument does have saliency with voters.
On the other, it's hard to imagine that anyone outside of New York -- or maybe the Northeast corridor -- knows who Rangel is. Do voters in Green Bay care about Kagen's ties to some congressman they have never heard of? (If Aaron Rodgers or even Jim VandeHei came out against Kagen, now that would be a problem.)
Article is by Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Kagen Found a Friend in Corrupt Congressman Charlie Rangel
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Palin Eyewear
While Palin's not the first famous woman to sport eyeglasses -- think Sally Jesse Raphael, Tina Fey and Velma from Scooby Doo -- insiders in the optical business say it's been a while since anyone has given their industry such a shot in the arm.Lasic surgery, you're out!
The frames, which cost about $375 without lenses, are even part of the buzz at New York's Bryant Park Fashion Week.
"Like Jackie Kennedy wore with the pillbox hat her glasses will be a revolutionary thing to wear," said one designer.
As a heavily armed U.S. destroyer patrolled nearby and planes flew overhead Sunday, a Somali pirate spokesman told The Associated Press his group was demanding a $20 million ransom to release a cargo ship loaded with Russian tanks.Wow.
The spokesman also warned that the pirates would fight to the death if any country tried military action to regain the ship, and a man who said he was the ship's captain reported that one crew member had died.
Pirates seized the Ukrainian-operated ship Faina off the coast of Somalia on Thursday as it headed to Kenya carrying 33 Russian-built T-72 tanks and a substantial amount of ammunition and spare parts. The ordnance was ordered by the Kenyan government.
The guided missile destroyer USS Howard was stationed off the Somali coast on Sunday, making sure that the pirates did not remove the tanks, ammunition and other heavy weapons from the ship, which was anchored off the coast.
Pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said he was speaking Sunday from the deck of the Faina via a satellite phone - and verified his location by handing the phone over to the ship's captain, who also spoke with the AP. It was not possible to further confirm their identities.
"We want ransom, nothing else. We need $20 million for the safe release of the ship and the crew," Ali said, adding that "if we are attacked, we will defend ourselves until the last one of us dies."
Pirate attacks worldwide have surged this year and Africa remains the world's top piracy hotspot, with 24 reported attacks in Somalia and 18 in Nigeria this year, according to the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center.
Attacking ships has become a regular source of income for pirates in Somalia, a war-torn country without a functioning government since 1991.
Christensen said the Faina was anchored off Somalia's coast near the central town of Hobyo.
"What's on board is of concern to us as much as the criminal activity," Christensen told the AP, adding that the Navy does not want the tanks and other weapons to end up "in the wrong hands."
Obama Talks to MTV ater First Debate
I'm sorry, McCain does not have a record of 26 years in Congress to stand on?
Hmm, I missed that memo...and you're putting the host to sleep.
Nice bracelet visibility, though.
It was... cutesy. Not sure how I feel about it.
Obama: No Credit for McCain
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Sunday his Republican rival deserves no credit for helping to forge a tentative agreement on the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.I am not saying McCain deserves the credit. Credit, being a bad word, as if this bailout plan is an amazing's not, it's the band-aid now for a big, big boo-boo. I do think McCain did show leadership deciding to take part in discussions in his official position as a Senator, rather than serve his own interest in the race for President.
Instead, Obama said he deserves credit for making sure the proposal includes safeguards for taxpayers. Obama said he is inclined to support the bailout because it includes increased oversight, relief for homeowners facing foreclosure and limits on executive compensation for chief executives of firms that receive government help.
"None of those were in the president's provisions. They are identical to the things I called for the day that (Treasury) Secretary (Henry) Paulson released his package," Obama said. "That I think is an indication of the degree to which when it comes to protecting taxpayers, I was pushing very hard and involved in shaping those provisions."
Asked during an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation" whether McCain deserved credit for bringing lawmakers together, Obama said "no."Alas, I'm so relieved Senator Obama was there to steer the Congressional members in the right direction.
"Here are the facts: For two weeks I was on the phone everyday with Secretary Paulson and the congressional leaders making sure that the principles that have been ultimately adopted were incorporated in the bill," Obama said.
Congressional leaders were working through the weekend on a package to bailout troubled Wall Street firms. They hope to have a House vote on the measure Monday, with a vote in the Senate coming later.
Not at the pulpit
Pastor Luke Emrich prepared his sermon last week knowing his remarks could invite an IRS investigation. But he forged ahead anyway with his message: Thou shalt vote according to the Scriptures.Many of you have heard or read my diatribe on keeping politics off the pulpit. It's not just being a conservative. I don't want it there.
Emrich, 38, told about 100 worshippers Sunday they should make their own voting decisions, but urged them to cast their ballots in favor of an anti-abortion platform.
"I'm telling you straight up I would choose life. I would cast a vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin," he said, referring to the Republican ticket. "But friends, it's your choice to make, it's not my choice. I won't be in the voting booth with you."
Emrich is the pastor at the New Life Church in West Bend, about 40 miles northwest of Milwaukee. He was one of dozens of ministers across the nation seen as defying federal rules Sunday by using the pulpit to mix religion and political campaigning.
The plan was orchestrated by the Alliance Defense Fund, a group of conservative legal advocates who want to challenge an IRS ban on electioneering in church.
If a congregation member wants to know how his or her pastor is voting, ask in private. Leave it out, and make the sermon about life instead.
If the law is changed? Jury's still out...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Love is...
Diane Lane, September, 2008
Obama's earmark spending....
Obama seemed to be playing "catch up."
He was on the defensive from the get-go. McCain laid out the facts, and Obama tried to shuffle his papers and twist the truth to jab back.
I have to admit, McCain just told it like it was with a quick "Look, friends" and there it was-
nicely done.
Obama lost me a few times, rambling. Guess he's just not as good without his telepromtper and with too many "uhs."
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wave of the future

Now you can be active for the Presidential ticket from your own home- with your own phone - and in front of your computer screen.
The new calling system is online at the website. You put in your info, they set you up with calls to make in your state, and voila- help the Victory Centers meet their voter contact goals.
It's quick, it's smart, and I'm impressed.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Running on fumes
Per my inbox:
Subject: Volunteer Incentives
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:02:18 -0400
If you commit to, and show up for, 8 HOURS of volunteer time in a one week period (Sun-Sat), you will be eligible to receive a $20.00 gas card at the conclusion of the week. This 8 HOURS can be divided up as you wish.
See Jeff Worcester (Kagen F.O.) for details today!
Jeffrey L. Worcester II
Campaign Organizer,
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
107 E. Main St.
Weyauwega, WI 54983
I suppose "giving the campaign a little more gas" is literal in this situation.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Denotated Weiners
The discovery of several hot dogs in packages outside Citizens Bank Park brought the bomb squad out and forced the temporary evacuation of the stadium Wednesday evening.That is sad.
According to police, Pattison Street between Darien and 11th Streets was shutdown as officials investigated the discovery of several suspicious packages near a ticket office.
Fans inside the stadium were evacuated, but players remained on the field during the incident.
Bomb squad members further investigated the packages and determined they were simply several hot dogs in foil wrappers. Sadly, the wieners were detonated as a precaution.
Lieberman's an Independent!
Connecticut Democrats are considering whether to ask Sen. Joe Lieberman to leave the party for speaking at the Republicans' convention and backing GOP presidential nominee John McCain.How about Lynn Forester de Rothschild? Zell Miller did it in '04 and supported Bush. So did a lot of Democrats for Bush. Americans for Bush did it in 2000.
The party scheduled a debate Wednesday night on a resolution that would censure Lieberman and ask the veteran politician to resign from the Democratic Party.
Lieberman was re-elected to the Senate as an independent after losing the Democratic primary in 2006 to businessman Ned Lamont, but while he calls himself an "independent Democrat" in the Senate he remains a registered Democrat and has said he has no plans to change his affiliation. The four-term senator nearly became vice president in 2000 as Al Gore's running mate.
One of several Democrats pushing for the resolution, 30-year party veteran Audrey Blondin, said Lieberman's very public support of McCain over Democratic nominee Barack Obama is hurting the state party.
"If you have someone who says they're a Democrat, who is registered as a Democrat and is a national figure supporting a candidate who is opposed to all the ideals and beliefs and positions that we hold as Democrats, he's diluting — in my opinion — the meaning of our party," she said.
Lieberman says it best:
Lieberman's staff did not respond to a call from The Associated Press seeking comment Wednesday, but he said on a radio show that the move toward censure surprised him.They elected him, and Independents are known to go - well, independently either way. McCain edges his toes close to that line too, so I can imagine a few other Dems are following Joe's lead. At least the man has a spine and is thinking for himself.
"Honestly, I thought that was the kind of thing that happened only in the former Soviet Union," Lieberman told WICH-AM.
"I understand that people are unhappy, but, you know, I'm doing something that I really believe," he said. "I thought in this country you don't get punished for that. So, I hope that in the end, my colleagues will understand and life will go on either way."
The truth is, the Democratic party just can't be everything to everyone, as it keeps promising.
Hello Gorgeous!
Pakistan's new president called GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin "gorgeous" when the two met in New York on Wednesday.She just needed a Funny Girl "Hello Gorgeous" echo in the room.
Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin meets Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in New York on Wednesday.
Palin has been in New York meeting international leaders in town this week for United Nations meetings.
On entering a room filled with several Pakistani officials Wednesday, Palin was immediately greeted by Sherry Rehman, the country's information minister.
"And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?" Rehman asked Palin, drawing friendly laughter from the room.
"Oh, thank you," Palin said.
Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, entered the room seconds later. Palin rose to shake his hand, saying she was "honored" to meet him.
Zardari then called her "gorgeous" and said: "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you."
Oh so pretty!
Bitchy Dems
Absentee ballots and call raise suspicionsPUH-LEASE Nancy. I am making similar survey calls and I can assure you there is no lengthy tirade against the Democrats.
Recently we received a phone call telling us that we would be receiving an absentee ballot in the mail. Along with this information was a lengthy tirade against the Democratic Party.
We had not requested the ballot, so we called the state Elections Board to object. We were told to either tear it up, or if we planned to send in the ballot, to make sure the correct clerk's address was listed. Evidently, the incorrect address is on the mail-in envelope which would mean that the vote would not be counted.
What an interesting way to disenfranchise voters.
-- Nancy and Richard Schultz, Madison.
What an interesting way to smear "the opposition" without specifically citing who.
Jet lag
Two pilots for Hawaii's Go airlines who slept through their flight's landing procedure were suspended for the careless and reckless operation of an aircraft, the Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday.
The pilots, who have been fired by Go, completed their suspensions on Sept. 9, FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said. He did not know whether they are flying again with a different carrier.
The pilots failed to respond to nearly a dozen calls from air traffic controllers over a span of 17 minutes.
In recordings obtained by The Associated Press, the controller is heard repeatedly trying to contact the pilots and talks to the pilot of another Go flight in hopes of reaching Flight 1002.
"I'm worried he might be in an emergency situation," the controller says.
Finally, about 44 minutes into what is usually a 45-minute flight, the controller was able to establish radio contact. By that time, the plane had passed the airport at Hilo by 15 miles, and the controller ordered the flight crew to return.
"Retirees" make me cranky
Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong will begin his comeback to professional cycling in Australia's Tour Down Under in January, organizers announced on Wednesday.What's with all these retirees wanting to come back? If you don't win, you'll look like a tool. (Brett Favre, case in point.) What is there left to prove?
Armstrong has chosen Australia to make his return to professional cycling.
Armstrong is due to announce more details of his eagerly-awaited return at a press conference in New York later on Wednesday, but race director Mike Turtur told the Associated Press that he would be on the start line in Australia.
The six-stage Tour Down Under is the first major event of the 2009 professional cycling campaign and will take place from January 20 to 25 in South Australia state, centered on the capital Adelaide.
Armstrong stunned the world of sport when he announced on September 9 that he would come out of a three-year retirement to attempt to win the Tour de France for a record eighth time.
The 37-year-old Texan said he was returning to raise awareness of cancer, having survived testicular cancer to triumph in cycling's most famous race.
I think there are other ways to promote cancer research, funding, and education. But if that's what you want, go ahead.
Cheap skates
WAUPUN — Barack Obama's Wisconsin Campaign for Change left no change in Waupun last week.Not quite the impression you want to leave on a highly Republican county.
The presidential candidate's campaign staff arrived at the Chit Chat Caf� at 324 E. Main St., last Tuesday to hold a round table discussion about Obama and his positions.
More than 40 people crowded the family restaurant.
But when it came time to leave, the campaign staff got up and left, refusing to pay the tab for coffee.
"When they came the place was full and they started talking," said the waitress Amanda, who didn't want to use her last name. "Then some people said they couldn't hear, and so they stood up and started giving a speech, talking loud enough for everyone to hear.
"We didn't even know they were having a meeting here."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
David Blaine
US illusionist David Blaine has begun another endurance challenge - hanging upside down for almost three days.I'd rather he levitate again.
The 35-year-old magician was hoisted by his heels over the Wollmann ice rink in New York on Monday.
He intends to remain there until late Wednesday, despite doctors' concern about the effect of the stress on his internal organs and blood circulation.
Blaine said he was "doing all right" on Monday, though he did admit his head felt like it was "about to explode".
His previous stunts include spending 72 hours encased in ice, seven days underwater and 44 days without food in a glass box.
North Dakota gets no love
Barack Obama, who has deployed more than 50 staffers in North Dakota in an attempt to become the first Democratic presidential candidate to carry the state since 1964, is pulling out.I guess they're confident.
An Obama spokeswoman, Amy Brundage, confirmed Sunday that the campaign’s North Dakota staffers were being sent to Minnesota and Wisconsin, where recent polls have shown a tight race between Obama and Republican John McCain.
She declined to say how many campaign workers were being shifted, but other Democratic activists put the number at more than 50. Obama has opened 11 North Dakota campaign offices and run television advertising in the state, which is unusual for a Democratic presidential candidate.
Ani-running mate
Asked about the negative tone of the campaign, and this ad in particular, during an interview broadcast Monday by the "CBS Evening News," Obama's running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, said he disapproved of it.Good to know the Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee is a reader.
"I thought that was terrible, by the way," Biden said.
Asked why it was done, he said: "I didn't know we did it, and if I had anything to do with it, we'd have never done it."
Late Monday, Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton issued a statement from Biden. In it, Biden said he "was asked about an ad I'd never seen" and was "reacting merely to press reports."
Monday, September 22, 2008
University Politicking via Email

Believe it or not, the University of Wisconsin allowed this email to spam students' in-boxes. It's a fundraiser and "Networking" invitation (of course!) to Barack the Vote.
Furthermore, the reply email address is an "unknown alias."
s.h.a.d.y.@wisconsin loves liberals. org. Oops, did I write that outloud?
Oh Bill
He sure did make some odd remarks.
"I come from Arkansas, I get why she's hot out there," Clinton said. "Why she's doing well."Not sure I care for his whole diatribe on Trig, but he wasn't offensive. Just odd. But he does come from Arkansas...
Speaking to reporters before his Clinton Global Initiative meeting, the former president described Palin's appeal by adding, "People look at her, and they say, 'All those kids. Something that happens in everybody's family. I'm glad she loves her daughter and she's not ashamed of her. Glad that girl's going around with her boyfriend. Glad they're going to get married.'"
Clinton said voters would think, "I like that little Down syndrome kid. One of them lives down the street. They're wonderful children. They're wonderful people. And I like the idea that this guy does those long-distance races. Stayed in the race for 500 miles with a broken arm. My kind of guy."
Palin, the governor of Alaska, became an overnight star when Republican presidential candidate John McCain tapped her for his running mate. Her family, including her Down syndrome baby, Trig, her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, and her husband, Todd, four-time winner of the 2,000-mile Iron Dog snowmobile race, have garnered intense media interest.
"I get this," Clinton said. "My view is ... why say, ever, anything bad about a person? Why don't we like them and celebrate them and be happy for her elevation to the ticket? And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?"
But I agree - and I get why she's hot too. ;-)
Obama gets nailed for attacks
But a series of new Obama attacks requires a rebalancing of the scales: Obama has descended to similarly scurrilous tactics on the stump and on the air. On immigration, Obama is running a Spanish-language ad that unfairly lumps McCain together with Rush Limbaugh -- and quotes Limbaugh out of context. On health care, Obama misleadingly accuses McCain of wanting to impose a $3.6 trillion tax hike on employer-provided insurance.She says, "To Democrats who worry about whether their nominee is willing to do whatever it takes to win: You can calm down."
Obama has been furthest out of line, however, on Social Security, stooping to the kind of scare tactics he once derided.
"If my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would have had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week," Obama said Saturday as he campaigned in that retiree-heavy state. "Millions of families would've been scrambling to figure out how to give their mothers and fathers, their grandmothers and grandfathers, the secure retirement that every American deserves."
This is simply false -- even leaving aside the incendiary language about "privatizing" Social Security. As the invaluable noted, the private account plan suggested by President Bush and backed by McCain would not have applied to anyone born before 1950...
read the rest.
RPW moves into lawsuit
Now the Republican Party of Wisconsin is now also joining the fight, and it's about time. Now we'll hear the cries of "partisan politics" ring out.
The judge will first take up a motion to disqualify the attorney general from the case. The GAB said Van Hollen is breaking lawyer rules by suing the GAB at the same time he's working with them on other cases.OK conspiracy theorists- go ahead, blame the GOP b/c they and their head-strong Attorney General want to take Dems off the rosters...even though the teachers union and DPW already stepped in.
Other motions for the state Democratic Party to intervene, as well as Madison Teachers Inc. and the Madison Firefighters, will be heard after that.
Other motions, including one by Van Hollen asking for an immediate judgment, have yet to be scheduled.
GAB attorney Lester Pines said Thursday that the attorney general was declaring "war" on the GAB and questioned his timing of the lawsuit so close to the November election.
The attorney for Van Hollen said he is legally pursuing legal action in effort to get Wisconsin in compliance with a Federal Voter Registration law called HAVA. Van Hollen was not in court Thursday.
The lawsuit seeks to force clerks to verify the identities of between 240,000 and 1 million voters before the election. Van Hollen, a Republican, wants the board to determine who is ineligible and remove them from the registration rolls.
Actually, No. The reason this is close to the election, is because the time is NOW to get this fixed. It is not December, it is not next May after the elections. It's NOW. The GAB needs to learn the definition of urgency, and get their asses in gear.
Thanks RPW, for adding some armor to the troops.
Cross walk
Peds, please, I'm asking you to use the crosswalk.
Shut Up Hollywood!
They are NOT. (And do we really call these events 'concerts' when it's a blog post and an angry woman shouting into the microphone.
Why is it celebrities like that don't get upset about terrorists flying planes into buildings?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Green Bay
thanks Mr. Madden, you rule
Palin, in concert
"He won't say this, so I'll say it for him," the Alaska governor said in an almost confidential tone at the close of her first Florida stump speech. "There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you. John McCain wore the uniform of his country for 22 years -- talk about tough."I would expect nothing less.
The Villages, a vast, upscale planned community north of Orlando, has about 70,000 mostly adult residents -- many of them military retirees -- who vote reliably Republican in statewide races. Tens of thousands inched along roads into the picturesque town square of the complex, where they stood in sweltering heat for about four hours as local GOP officials and a country band revved up the crowd.
"Sa-Rah! Sa-Rah!" they chanted at every mention of her name, applauding loudly and waiving tiny American flags that were distributed -- along with free water bottles -- by local volunteers. The fire chief estimated the crowd at 60,000.
Admiring throngs mobbed the Palin family's arrival and departure, snapping souvenir pictures. Autograph seekers thrust campaign signs, caps with the McCain-Palin logo and copies of magazines with her face on their covers, and the Palins responded warmly.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm unpatriotic
Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans.Rob from the rich and give to the poor. Rob from hard-working Americans that deserve their paychecks and pay for every sick lazyman to get healthcare.
We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," Biden said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."
Noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more, Biden said: "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."
If that's Biden's version of a patriot, he's free to call me a traitor.
Attack of the bumper
Republicans: Never cut my taxes!
Republicans: Fools (or something like that)
Republicans: Are Selling War.
War is Evil
something about Bush, and a few more.
I'd display these if I could find them, so I have come to believe she made them herself.
Thank you, Lady, for your intelligent commentary about the opposition party.
What I can't understand is that people actually believe and display the idea that 9/11 was a conspiracy crafted by President Bush, and that the GOP is "selling" war.
I have no words to respond to this angry mentality. I just thought I'd share the absurdity.
You Go Girl!
JERUSALEM - Israel's foreign minister eked out a victory Thursday in a surprisingly tight race to replace Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as the head of the governing party, putting her in a strong position to become the country's first female leader in 34 years.Oh wait, there's more:
Tzipi Livni, 50, said she would immediately turn to the task of trying to cobble together a new government.
"The national responsibility (bestowed) by the public brings me to approach this job with great awe," Livni said shortly after the results were announced.
Livni, a political moderate, won 43.1 percent of the vote in the Kadima Party primary elections, compared with 42 percent for Shaul Mofaz, a hawkish former military chief and defense minister, in a contest with far-reaching implications for peacemaking with the Palestinians and Syria.
Livni said she would launch informal coalition talks on Friday, even though President Shimon Peres cannot officially ask her to try to put together a government until Olmert resigns. After she is assigned the task, she will have 42 days to form a new ruling coalition.
If she succeeds, she will become Israel's first female prime minister since Golda Meir stepped down in 1974. If she fails, the country will hold elections in early 2009, a year and a half ahead of schedule.
Livni is Israel's lead negotiator in peace talks with the Palestinians and a rare female power figure in a nation dominated by macho military men and a religious establishment with strict views on the role of women.
A lawyer and former agent in the Mossad spy agency, she is eager to continue the low-decibel diplomatic efforts. She says she hopes diplomatic efforts to halt Iran's nuclear program will prevail, though she says all options are on the table.
McCains on The View
The McCains are so classy.
"So you disagree? There are exceptions?" Take a hike, Joy. Talk about vultures.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More drilling
While Americans may associate North Dakota with wheat more than oil, that may change as the Bakken oil field, covering North Dakota, Montana and the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan, is shown to have accessible oil.What's the hold-up, Nancy? Let's get drilling.
The Bakken oil reserve is a geological formation of oil-bearing rock in the north-central United States, which contains oil that has previously been inaccessible due to the type of rock containing it.
The amount of recoverable oil depends on the estimate; however, a United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates, using a geology-based assessment methodology, estimated it contains a significant oil deposit. The study found an undiscovered volume of 3.65 billion barrels of oil, 1.85 trillion cubic feet of associated/dissolved natural gas and 148 million barrels of natural gas liquids in Bakken. The potential has possibly made North Dakota an important oil region.
If the potential materializes, this could (depending on recovery factors) increase the estimate of recoverable crude oil resources in the United States by billions of barrels. The U.S. uses about 7 billion barrels of oil a year; consequently, North Dakota's share could represent a key oil supply.
Yemen, a new terrorist breeding grounds
A sophisticated bombing plot carried out against the U.S. Embassy in Yemen brings increased urgency to fears that Muslim extremists are gathering strength in that nation and could make it a headquarters for terrorism.It's certainly something to be wary of.
The attack outside the perimeter of the compound, which killed 16 people, including six assailants, follows a March mortar attack on the embassy and two attacks against Yemen's presidential compound in late April.
"Yemen is rapidly re-emerging as a jihadist battleground and potential base of operations," Ted Gistaro, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, said in a speech in August.
A man who was found naked lying on a couch in the basement of the home of one of Madison's elite power couples has been ordered to appear in court to face charges of criminal trespass to property and criminal damage to property.While scary, I have to admit I got a chuckle out of this story.
The complaint says Nicholas C. Fish, the son of Goodwin and Fish, arrived home on Aug. 27 at about 3:32 p.m. and found Martin, whom he did not know, on a couch in the basement of his parents' residence.
Nicholas, the complaint says, asked the obvious: "What are you doing here?"
And Martin replied, the complaint said, by echoing, "What are you doing here?"
When police arrived they found Martin still naked lying on the couch in the basement and placed him under arrest.
"I plead the Fifth," he said to the officers who arrested him.
Alan Fish arrived at home not long after that and "was shocked and disturbed by the disarray," found in the house, the complaint says.
Never happens to the Dems
The ill-defined protest "group" known as Anonymous, famous both for their campaign against Scientology and their strange protest activities, has hacked Gov. Sarah Palin's private email account and posted some of the contents online.Does it? Prove me wrong.
The number of lines willing to be crossed in the Palin witch-hunt the last few weeks continues to grow. From spreading rumors about her children to questioning her as a mother ... hacking her private email account and posting her private family photos online fits in perfectly. I have no doubt we'll soon hear a defense of the importance of this illegal activity to the political process. Steal personal email, don't steal press release prayers. Claim Palin's children are fair game because they are with in her public now and then, claim Michelle Obama is not fair game despite being a speech-making, event-hosting part of the campaign.Michelle Obama, thanks to her Thesis, is fair game by me.
Anonymous may be anonymous, but their tactics are as plain as day. It's Obama Supporter 101. Do as he wants, not as he pretends not to do. Anonymous broke the law, but they kept the spirit of the left perfectly intact.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
No highlight that it's by marriage. And second cousin once-removed to Michelle Obama. Somebody's grandfather's sister's grandkid. Say what?
While Obama has struggled to win over Jewish voters, vigorously defending his support of Israel in Florida and other states with large Jewish populations, he hasn't mentioned Funnye on the campaign trail.WHO CARES? Would someone please explain to me how this validates anything about the man? It's not even his blood-relation!!
Funnye says he hasn't been involved in the campaign, except to donate money. But he speaks glowingly about the Obamas. Maybe because it has nothing to do with Obama's qualifications for President. The Obamas have not publicized the connection to Funnye out of respect for the privacy of their large extended family, said Katie McCormick Lelyveld, a spokeswoman for Michelle Obama.
Funnye said he sees the Obamas occasionally at family gatherings. The Obamas have never attended services at the stately tan brick synagogue of the Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in the city's Marquette Park neighborhood.
Funnye's relationship to the presidential candidate has been relatively unknown outside the Chicago Jewish community. The Forward, a Jewish newspaper, first reported the relationship.
"It was a total surprise to me," said Ira Forman, the executive director of the National Democratic Jewish Council. "Despite coming under attack unfairly in the Jewish community, Obama didn't even mention this. I think it's a piece of the puzzle that validates him."
"A rabbi in the Obama family is certainly a wonderful welcomed aspect ," said Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla, one of Obama's chief surrogates before Jewish audiences.Funny...was the Cheney relationship a "welcomed aspect"?
My name would be...drumroll...Roller Texas Palin. Sweet.
But let's not make fun of her kids for their names. So what, they are different. As is Barack Obama's. As yours may be too. Maybe you're Tom, Dick, Jane, or Mary. But did you come out of the womb asking not to be called Hugh Jewnitt or Ima Tramp? Someone did that for you.
I'm all for interesting, atypical, and bringing older names back. Be gentle to these kids.
And let's not forget, at one point Obama did go by Barry Seotoro, or Barry Dunham, or something. (No I don't think we need a lawsuit to demand an explanation, but still.) Barry done who? (Gasp!) Bullies, have at it.
We love Brett, but we gotta love Aaron
There are many lessons to be learned from the dual sagas of Aaron Rodgers and Alex Smith, not the least of which is this: The best time to draft a quarterback is when you don't need one.I can't help but think "Heh."
Carrying a clipboard was the smartest thing the Packers asked Rodgers to do.
Easier said than done, of course, since there are times when you don't think you need one until suddenly you discover you do. Still, the idea is solid. It's pretty much unquestioned that quarterback is the most important position in any team sport. Nothing else really compares -- not a big-time starting pitcher (significant only every fifth day) or even a LeBron James-type basketball player (though that one comes closest).
When you factor in how much football coaches expect a quarterback to learn and how quickly they expect him to learn it, there's no other position that deserves a place in the discussion. And if NFL offenses seem at times to be overly complicated -- maybe even artificially complicated -- well, you're not alone in that line of thinking. No matter, though, since wondering if all of that professorial, sleep-in-the-office stuff is necessary doesn't make it any easier to master.
There's no doubt Rodgers would have rather been playing in Green Bay -- or maybe somewhere else -- than standing on the sidelines in a ballcap waving in signs like a third-base coach. For three years he played behind Brett Favre, and it was the rare instance in football where nobody clamored for the backup.
It's also true that Rodgers' time as a backup to Favre couldn't have been better for the Packers. How good do they look now? They drafted him in 2005 knowing he wouldn't play right away, and now that he is playing he looks like a younger, more practical version of Favre. So far, he's Brett without all those lovable mistakes.
The theory on Rodgers is this: It wouldn't have happened if he started as a rookie. In fact, if he had started as a rookie, it might not have happened at all.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Libs attack injury
In turn, a recent Obama TV ad makes a none-too-subtle dig at McCain's age in saying McCain hasn't changed in the last 26 years. It shows McCain at a hearing in the early 1980s, wearing giant glasses and an out-of-style suit. "He admits he still doesn't know how to use a computer, can't send an e-mail, still doesn't understand the economy, and favors $200 billion in new tax cuts for corporations, but almost nothing for the middle class," the commercial says.Truth is, he can. Truth is, his war injuries from time spent as a POW prevent him from typing.
Obama wants to turn this into a "John McCain is out of touch"? I'd rather praise McCain for it.
Thanks Senator McCain, for not sticking your head into a computer screen or a Crackberry and actually looking people in the eye. Thanks for not worrying about what other people think. Thanks for going above and beyond the call when your disability prevents you from doing certain basic things. I bet a lot of people admire that and connect to you. I also bet a lot of people in your age-bracket, and younger- don't use a computer. (Keyword, don't.) My 93 year old grandma used one until she was 89. But she'd rather call me than email me.
Despite what our economic advisors would say, computers don't rule the world. Email's handy, but I'd rather make meaningful relationships by talking to people, rather than communicate solely by electronics. I want a President who listens, not one who's burried in technology. John McCain can do plenty without a hotmail account blowing up everyday.
Absentee mailers are smart, not "funny"
The state elections agency is investigating complaints about a massive campaign mailing Republican Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign has directed toward Wisconsin Democrats and other voters.Notice, Beverly is a Democrat -hell bent on stopping McCain's momentum here. I'm sure she was one of the 10 complaints. Here's a thought, Lady. Throw away the bad form and forget about it.
Each mailing includes at least one copy of the state application for an absentee ballot that has the address of a local clerk and a box for postage printed on the other side.
But in some cases, the incorrect clerk's address is printed on the application, leading some Democrats to wonder if the Arizona senator's campaign is deliberately trying to get them to apply for absentee ballots in places where they aren't eligible to vote.
"They're trying to knock me off the rolls," said Democrat Beverly Jambois, of Middleton. "I can't tell you how upsetting it is to me. This is how you win elections? By disenfranchising other voters?"
A McCain campaign spokeswoman said in a statement the mailing mistakes are "certainly not intentional" but she wouldn't answer questions. The statement also said the mailing went to "potential supporters across the spectrum."Has anyone ever tried to do list-work? It's long, time-consuming, tedious, and frustrating. It's unblievable the number of people that move in any given year.
Mark Jefferson, executive director of the state GOP, said the mailing is not intended to keep people from the polls and that the wrong absentee ballot applications resulted from incorrect information in databases used for the mailing.
"You do the best with the lists you have, and no list is perfect," Jefferson said. "There is certainly no type of suppression effort going on."
Jefferson said the mailing was directed to hundreds of thousands of voters.
I just wish our media wouldn't appear to be so biased. They mention "10 complaints." OH MY GOD! STop the presses - 10 out of Hundreds of Thousands. I bet half of them were from good-hearted voters that wanted to alert clerks of the mistake. The other half were probably looking for some bad press for the McCain campaign.
And finally, when talking to the clerks, a good way to sum it up would have been to mention what clerks across the state would do with bad AB requests. Not honor them!!
Reminder: John McCain can't force you to vote anywhere. Duh.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
If We Are the Body - Casting Crowns
These guys know how to Rock the Body.
For Young Life, let's be the body.
Patronizing and pathetic
It's not back to the future. It's back to the distant past. Previously, Republicans went out of their way at their conventions to showcase a few black elected officials.This is completely absurd. First, JC Watts should take that as an insult. And second, when are we going to stop making this election about race?
That wasn't possible this year since no African-American has served as a Republican governor, U.S. Senator or member of the House of Representatives since Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma left office six years ago. Watts was such a nice, young Negro too.
This year, Republicans have dropped any pretense of trying to appeal to minority voters. McCain's campaign is openly concentrating on white voters reluctant to vote for Democrat Barack Obama, the first African-American in history to receive a major party nomination for the presidency.
Noting Obama's appeal to large numbers of black voters and younger voters, Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, said, "We can run our campaign the way we want to run it and not be in direct conflict with a lot of voter groups he is trying to get."
That's why McCain and Palin are staying away from cities like Milwaukee with their bothersome minorities and concentrating on Cedarburg, all dressed up to look like an 1890s America that never was, instead of the America that exists today.
It's about security, moving America forward, and a presidential campaign that's not going to bullshit different races in order to "clench" their votes. It shouldn't have to worry about that. McCain is speaking to ALL Americans!
Why aren't more black people Republican? I don't know, but it's not as though they're unwelcome. Perhaps if they stopped being so wrapped up in the pigmentation of their skin, hating any politician that won't cater to it and stop looking back at history, we wouldn't keep having these discussions and barriers.
(By the way, when I look at Obama and all the glitz and glamour of his "celebrity," the Messiah speaks and looks more white than black to me.)
It's articles like this that divide our society into subgroups. Save it for a blog, not for a newspaper. What a top notch Jerk.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mommy's a liar
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — A 33-year-old woman is accused of stealing her daughter's identity to attend high school and join the cheerleading squad.She must look really young.
Wendy Brown is charged with felony identity theft after enrolling in a Wisconsin high school as her daughter.
The criminal complaint says Brown admitted to telling school officials she was 15 because she wanted to get her high school diploma and join the cheerleading squad.
She allegedly attended practices, received a cheerleader's locker and went to a pool party at the coach's house.
The complaint says Brown has a history of identity theft. Her daughter lives in Nevada with Brown's mother.
I hate Celebrities
"If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin," Pink told PopEater during her Sessions taping on Thursday, "it would be a lot of whys and hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq on a map ..."Questions for Pink:
What scares Pink are women who consider the Alaska governor's selection a feminist victory. "This woman hates women," the singer said. "She is not a feminist. She is not the woman that's going to come behind Hillary Clinton and do anything that Hillary Clinton would've been capable of ... I can't imagine overturning Roe vs. Wade. She's not of this time. The woman terrifies me."
Pink, an animal rights activist, suggests creatures other than humans should be just as scared of Palin: "I can't imagine shooting a wolf out of a helicopter."
1. Point out Iraq on a map.
2. What's the difference between singing and screaming?
3. Who are you? Do you know?
4. Why are you so angry at a woman you don't know the slightest bit about?
Can we please stop promoting celebrities who voice their ill-educated stereotypes to the press?
Like to hunt? Play-hunt!

Bring it on, Monopoly!
If you are in the market for a Christmas gift- thinking families, hunters, young kids, etc., Hunting Fever Games are the new rage!
It's bringing board-games back! Buck Fever - Pheasant Fever - Duck Fever! Step away from the computer, put the crackberry or cell phone down, and come back to the kitchen table or the living room floor to enjoy some time together.
They'll be available at most Cabela's, Scheels, and a few other sporting stores from the Dakotas to Wisconsin. They're really fun to play - no kidding.
Visit the website and learn all about them:
Long lines..or fair elections?
A lawsuit filed by the state attorney general Wednesday has the potential to slow down voting lines in what promises to be a staggering turnout for the Nov. 4 election, local voting officials said.Disenfranchise, or inconvenience?
"It will disenfranchise voters. That's what we're concerned about," City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl said.
If you're worried people won't vote because you actually have to uphold the LAW, you've got another thing coming. I think they'll wait in line- the polls stay open until the last person in line at 8 pm has voted. And another thing, if they have problems with the lines on E-day, they can vote absentee or vote early beforehand. Bank your vote, and it's one less thing to worry about come-a Tuesday.
Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, a Republican, filed the lawsuit Monday in Dane County Circuit Court to get ineligible voters off the rolls. It calls for a court order mandating the Government Accountability Board to cross-check voters who have registered since Jan. 1, 2006, when federal Help America Vote Act legislation required that states implement a voter database to cross-check voter registrations with Department of Transportation, criminal and death records.Where is the Family Fued "X" when you need one? WRONG AGAIN, GAB. Because you all have put off the voter-reg system and lord knows what you've been doing, because I'm sure those finance reports could get online a lot faster... it's your fault the lines will be longer.
"We're working on plans to make sure we don't have long lines at the polls, make sure that the lines can move smoothly and quickly," Witzel-Behl said. "If we throw this into the mix, then it is going to slow things down."
Government Accountability Board Director Kevin Kennedy said the board is committed to preventing voter fraud, but Van Hollen's demands are too much, too soon.Too much, too soon, to ensure citizen votes are being counted legally?
I think not.
Read the rest.
Sarah Palin Interview
I prefer this clip:
GIBSON: We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us?
PALIN: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where we’re able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in us, because we’re a democratic, we are a free, and we are a free-thinking society.
When she said "Never Again." with the strength and poignancy that she did last night, I saw a leader.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The second tower
"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." -George W. Bush
Lest we never forget.
Van Hollen on the right track
Saying illegal Wisconsin votes could sway the presidential election, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has sued the state elections agency to force ineligible voters off the rolls.Actually the absolute worst thing would be to have voters illegally voting multiple times in a "fair and clean" election, discounting honest people's votes, unfairly.
But election experts warned that if the Justice Department lawsuit is successful, eligible voters could be disenfranchised and the state could face a post-election ballot-counting frenzy similar to Florida's after the 2000 presidential race.
"You shouldn't penalize the voter because you've got mistakes in your database," said Dan Tokaji, an election law expert at Ohio State University. "That's the absolute worst thing to do."
The worst thing would be for the Wisconsin "Government Accountability Board" - keyword, accountability - to ignore voter registration accuracy on top of it's sucking at everything else. (Shoot, did I say that outloud?) And nothing is more important than the integrity of our democratic system in a targeted state during a Presidential election - on which the future of the nation could hinge. The GAB's inaction would leave the Wisconsin voting system open to fraud and theft.
Let's applaud JB Van Hollen for fulfilling a campaign promise, protecting the voters and the integrity of Wisconsin's elections.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
O-bad-a one-liners
Barack Obama says the John McCain-Sarah Palin policies don’t represent change, they’re “just calling the same thing something different.”The only thing that stinks around here are your jokes, Barry.
“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” Obama said during a town-hall style event here Tuesday night.
“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,’ it’s still going to stink,” Obama said. “After eight years, we’ve had enough of the same old thing. It’s time to bring about real change to Washington and that’s the choice you’ve got in this election.”
Sportsmanship lacking
"We're out trying to get whatever the other guy's name is," Vikings defensive tackle Pat Williams said. "I don't even want to say his name, because he ain't Favre. Know what I'm saying? He ain't Favre, so I'm not going to say his name."Rude. I'm glad Rodgers is a level-head.
Pat Williams needs a lesson in sportsmanship. "Know what I'm sayin?"
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tony Kornhead
I'd say the retard had the mic
If his aim was to be noticed by America, Russell Brand more than achieved his goal last night as he ranted that President Bush was a “retarded cowboy” while hosting the MTV awards.Needless to say, I think I agree with Britney Spears.
The British comedian, who is a virtual unknown in America, left the crème of the music world stunned as he championed Barack Obama, ran down George Bush and made lewd jokes about the Christian pop band Jonas Brothers.
Some people, I think they're called racists, say America is not ready for a black president.And there are people promoting this in front of our youth?
"But I know America to be a forward thinking country because otherwise why would you have let that retard and cowboy fella be president for eight years?
"We were very impressed. We thought it was nice of you to let him have a go, because, in England, he wouldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors."
Members of the studio audience, including Britney Spears, who was making a much-hyped comeback appearance, and Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, looked horrified at Brand’s jokes.
Do I need to re-post "Diddy Journal # whatever" to make my point?
Barry & Sassy
And though I hardly quote her b/c sometimes she's "extreme," our lovely mouthpiece, Ann Coulter has a great column on Palin:
They claimed Palin was chosen only because she's a woman. In fact, Palin was chosen because she's pro-life, pro-gun, pro-drilling and pro-tax cuts. She's fought both Republicans and Democrats on public corruption and does not have hair plugs like some other vice presidential candidate I could mention. In other words, she's a "Republican."I think I'll call her Sassy.
Palin is like a red, chevy camaro
NEW YORK ( -- Donny Deutsch told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" that "women want to be her and men want to mate with her," while Harvard's John Quelch said she's the red Chevy Camaro to John McCain's Ford F-150.Here are some snippets:
They were just two of the media-blanketing opinions that followed John McCain's unveiling of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his choice for veep. Evangelicals were euphoric, Republican pundit Peggy Noonan was clearly not so sure and Democrats readied their attacks. Ad Age asked a handful of brand mavens whether they saw this as GOP genius or a marketing misstep.
John Quelch: On the competition: "Biden was a defensive line extension. Palin is an offensive one. [She's] more of a fighting brand, whereas Biden was picked to shore up foreign-policy credentials and lend some experience."
Bill Hillsman: On the male vote: "Her presence on the ticket may move independent male voters toward the ticket, because (especially in mountain states and the upper Midwest and in some rust-belt states) these independent males tend to be 'boys with toys' -- outdoorsmen who are fishers, campers, hunters and who own [four-wheel-drive] trucks, ATVs, boats, jet skis, etc. Palin for VP may be the best news for the snowmobile industry in the past five years."Ha! Read the rest...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Big Mistake, Huge!
Her response: "Big Mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now." and she saunters out, victorious!
I feel as though we should say the same to... Oprah!
Oprah Winfrey, America's favourite daytime TV star, has refused to have Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin as a guest on her talk show.She had both Al Gore and President Bush on in 2004. Question then is...did she even vote?
Winfrey, a prominent supporter of Democratic nominee Barack Obama, has been facing pressure from conservative commentators and pundits who say that Palin would be a perfect interview for her female-heavy audience.
Such an appearance would be a huge coup for the John McCain campaign. Palin, the party's first female vice-presidential choice, is making a determined bid for women voters and frequently refers to herself as a 'hockey mom' who just happened to fall into politics.
But Winfrey, responding to rumours on conservative websites like the Drudge Report that her staff was divided on the issue, squashed the idea of an interview. 'When I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates,' she said in a statement.
It feels good
To Albert, from the pizza joint, thanks for voting- thanks for being a card-carrying supporter of Concealed-carry, and for supporting John McCain in Fitchburg, WI.
And with that, let's just sit in our glory moment, as short-lived as it may be:
John McCain has overtaken Barack Obama in the Gallup daily tracking poll and has his highest level of support in that poll since early May.Disclaimer: this is not bragging. This is just pure joy that others are climbing on board!
McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 45 percent among registered voters, by Gallup’s measure. McCain has so far earned the same convention bounce as Obama, though at a more rapid pace.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
We believe in a strong defense, work, faith, service, a culture of life, personal responsibility, the rule of law and judges who dispense justice impartially and don't legislate from the bench. We believe in the values of families, neighborhoods and communities.
We believe in a government that unleashes the creativity and initiative of Americans. Government that doesn't make your choices for you, but works to make sure you have more choices to make for yourself.
and this:
We face many threats in this dangerous world, but I'm not afraid of them. I'm prepared for them. I know how the military works, what it can do, what it can do better and what it should not do. I know how the world works. I know the good and the evil in it. I know how to work with leaders who share our dreams of a freer, safer and more prosperous world, and how to stand up to those who don't. I know how to secure the peace.
When I was 5 years old, a car pulled up in front of our house. A Navy officer rolled down the window, and shouted at my father that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. I rarely saw my father again for four years. My grandfather came home from that same war exhausted from the burdens he had borne, and died the next day. In Vietnam, where I formed the closest friendships of my life, some of those friends never came home with me. I hate war. It is terrible beyond imagination.
I'm running for president to keep the country I love safe, and prevent other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has. I will draw on all my experience with the world and its leaders, and all the tools at our disposal — diplomatic, economic, military and the power of our ideals — to build the foundations for a stable and enduring peace.
And from our imperfect servant:
If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist in our armed forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed. Our country will be the better, and you will be the happier. Because nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself.Those of us who understand we are in a war - we'll join you, Senator, and we'll fight.
I'm going to fight for my cause every day as your president. I'm going to fight to make sure every American has every reason to thank God, as I thank Him: that I'm an American, a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth, and with hard work, strong faith and a little courage, great things are always within our reach. Fight with me. Fight with me.
Fight for what's right for our country.
Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.
Fight for our children's future.
Fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.
Stand up for each other; for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.
Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.
Pay for play
A new study has found executives of a Florida utility gave Gov. Jim Doyle almost $24,000 weeks before Doyle softened his stance against nuclear power.Of course, if it means padding his re-election account for the third term we all know he's running for.
Florida Power & Light Co. owns the Point Beach nuclear power plant near Two Rivers. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's review of Doyle's campaign finances found 30 executives and one of their spouses from Florida Power & Light and their three other nuclear power plants handed Doyle $23,750 on June 27.
Doyle has long been an opponent of nuclear power. But in August he said he was now open to studying the option.
Open your eyes, Wisconsin voters.
Smooth, pundits, smooth
Rude and tactless. I hope it bites them in the ass.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin Speaks
I had to tape the speech which you can watch/read here , and watched it after it was already over. I will keep this VHS tape for a long time.
Palin the Powerhouse delivered the punches at the right time, with grit and class. She has said what we all have tried to articulate since Obama began his personal journey to the White House. Her chides and jibes fell in the right way - not as personal, baseless attacks, but important distinctions between the real campaign for change and the ever-changing showman's campaign. I believe it is critical that our Vice Presidential candidate- and Vice President - be able to articulate the response, aim and fire quickly, and throw the hard punch - with class, and a smile.
She may talk the talk, but she's already walked the walk - just look up her path to the Governorship. Tonight she took the mangifying glass off her own resume and turned it back on Obama's plan to raise taxes, give the terrorists an "out of jail free" card, and choice to do nothing rather than seize independence from foreign oil. We can only demand the media and pundits follow. What could they possibly attack her on now?
She showed us a Governor, a Mayor, a city councilwoman, a citizen, an activist, a community organizer, a wife, a hockey mom, a marathon runner, a daughter, a mother of a special needs baby, and a patriot. She showed us the difference between beautiful rhetoric and poignant messaging. She showed us inspiration, honesty, truth, and integrity.
And she just saved the GOP. Our party has been dead in the water since 2006...if not on it's way the year before. She has just reminded us that the candidates to follow are those not on a personal journey; not using the idea of change to promote their careers, but those who have already lived that journey and run for office for the people. And as she said, those who govern "with a servant's heart."
Folks, John McCain and Sarah Palin are running for President and Vice President of the United States of America. They are running for the right reasons:
"Politics isn’t just a game of clashing parties and competing interests. The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it."I believe it is now up to us, after Mccain's speech tomorrow night - to follow Sarah Palin's suggestion: Put the over-the-top luxury crap up on Ebay. YES, I'm talking about Barack's memoirs and Michelle's thesis. And Join The Cause.
"Join our cause. Join our cause and help America elect a great man as the next president of the United States."
Twilight series ender...EXPOSED!
Author Stephenie Meyer, writer of the best-selling young adult "Twilight" books, has put the fifth and final installment in the series on hold in protest after a partial draft was posted on the Internet.You have stripped us all of the enjoyment of the fifth installment.
Meyer, the U.S. author of "Twilight" and its sequels "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn," said she had a good idea of how the leak of "Midnight Sun" had happened as so few copies had left her hands and each was unique.
"The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good purpose. I have no comment beyond that, as I believe that there was no malicious intent with the initial distribution," she wrote in a posting on her website.
"I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on "Midnight Sun," and so it is on hold indefinitely."
Meyer said the draft that was released on the Internet was incomplete with messy and flawed writing but she was making this draft available to everyone to be a fair and because it added a new dimension to the "Twilight" story.
Newt Gingrich on Palin
I would like to know a single thing Obama has done, except speak and write.
Un-covered Bias

Joe Lieberman is stepping up once again today to call upon Barack Obama and his campaign to stop the attacks on Governor Sarah Palin.
Do we need to call upon a celebrity to fire back at US Weekly? I know I'll never even pass a glance at that magazine again in the grocery aisle.
It would have been a bit more revealing to take an in-depth look at Palin first, to help educate even the most un-educated tabloid readers. That's 12 million female readers - at least - seeing a bias and a message that insinuates the Obamas are beautiful married people and Sarah Palin is a liar and a bad mother.
Hey US, take a clue from Joe Biden who said "There’s No Reason Not To Respect Her And I Believe She’s Qualified To Be The Vice President." That's a headline. Otherwise, stick to Britney.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bread aisle
Fowler's gaffe
Fowler - who was DNC chair in 1995 and 1996 - was recorded telling a fellow passenger that it appears Gustav will make landfall tomorrow. “That just demonstrates that God is on our side,” he said.Smooth.
Fowler yesterday apologized but explained he was making fun of comments made by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who after 9/11 said the terrorist attacks were God’s punishment for abortion, homosexuality and other sins.Uh huh. Save your breath, man.
“There is no political connotation to this whatsoever,” said Fowler. “I don’t believe in a God that’s vengeful. I believe in a God that’s compassionate.”
Man on Wire
It's suspenseful, in a documentary type way...
A few odd characters and laughable commentary lightened up parts. Can't say I even knew this happened until the movie.
But see it, it's a quiet thrill.
Diddy Blog #16 -
ATTENTION DIDDY, ATTENTION DIDDY; this is the Little Miss Sunshine blog! Are you drunk?
If Sarah took her clothes off, I bet "P.", "Combs," "Diddy," or whatever his name is would put her in a music video.
Oh dear impressionable youth, have a good laugh- but please look, listen, and learn from the mistakes of letting the absurd Diddy speak for Obama supporters. He is only embarrassing himself.
(Forgive the profanity)
Members of the lefty blogosphere haven't stopped perpetuating the rumor Sarah Palin "faked" her last pregnancy and are now humiliating her daughter Bristol on the blatantly incorrect suspicion she is the real mother of baby Trig.I will certainly be equating the Democrats to Paparazzi now, as it only seems fit.
"Sarah Palin is NOT the Mother" is the title of this DailyKos blog that accuses Bristol, a completely fit-looking adolescent teen, of having a "baby bump" in a photo they allege was taken March 9th of this year.
"Sarah, I'm calling you a liar" wrote blogger ArcXIX. "And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better. " Photos of Bristol with detailed commentary about her abdomen are contained in the post.
Shortly after Palin was announced as McCain's VP, bloggers at the Kos started ginning up the rumor Palin faked her pregnancy, allegedly to cover for an illegitimate grandchild, because she looked so fit and trim in photos taken a few months before giving birth.Well Mr. Colmes, you should have sprinted past that faster than an ass with his tail on fire.
This is only the latest in outrageous attacks against Palin as a mother. Fox News anchor Alan Colmes, of Hannity & Colmes, titled a recent post on his blog Liberaland "Did Palin Take Proper PreNatal Care?" In it, he wondered if she somehow was at fault for having a disabled child. Colmes took down the post after being attacked by the blog Wizbang and later reposted a screenshot of the blog to prove he "wasn't running away from what I posted."
This is not a Thursday-night ABC drama for 45 year old women. This is the future Vice President of America, and to smear her in such a dispicable way -well that's lower than I thought the Democrats could actually go.
Talk about desperate left-wings.