Sunday, September 7, 2008

Big Mistake, Huge!

In Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts gets turned away from Rodeo drive for how she is dressed. She returns, after being outfitted and made over at another location, and asks if they work on commission. The answer? Yes.

Her response: "Big Mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now." and she saunters out, victorious!

I feel as though we should say the same to... Oprah!
Oprah Winfrey, America's favourite daytime TV star, has refused to have Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin as a guest on her talk show.

Winfrey, a prominent supporter of Democratic nominee Barack Obama, has been facing pressure from conservative commentators and pundits who say that Palin would be a perfect interview for her female-heavy audience.

Such an appearance would be a huge coup for the John McCain campaign. Palin, the party's first female vice-presidential choice, is making a determined bid for women voters and frequently refers to herself as a 'hockey mom' who just happened to fall into politics.

But Winfrey, responding to rumours on conservative websites like the Drudge Report that her staff was divided on the issue, squashed the idea of an interview. 'When I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates,' she said in a statement.
She had both Al Gore and President Bush on in 2004. Question then is...did she even vote?

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