Saturday, March 15, 2008

Michigan calls for a do-over

Talk about inconveniencing voters. They already HAD their say - and it was Hillary.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Michigan Democrats agreed Friday to push a do-over primary in early June to give them a say in the close presidential race between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
And what's more, why do individual states just get to say they're going to have a do-over to have "relevance"?
The national party punished Michigan and Florida for moving up their primaries before Feb. 5, stripping them of all their delegates. The two states have been struggling to come up with alternative plans to ensure their delegates are seated at the national convention this summer in Denver.

Michigan held its primary Jan. 15 and Florida voted Jan. 29. Clinton won both, although she was the only major candidate on the Michigan ballot.
Now they want Obama, it's obvious. Michigan had its chance, and the Democrats should accept the outcome. Just because you don't like how it turned out, doesn't mean you get a do-over.


Anonymous said...

Just because you don't like how it turned out, doesn't mean you get a do-over.

Apparently you have had no dealing with the Racine School Board.

Anonymous said...

Hey crazy lady! What is going on? I have a spaceship here for you. When do you want to come and pick it up?

Say hello to all of my peoples over there.


lms said...

All Strong Bad fans are welcome, anytime.