Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sure, Michael Moore, shove in another Twinkie!

Huckabee calls it like he sees it. Maybe he shouldn't have poked fun at Michael Moore's weight, because it would be the politically correct thing to do, but he has a point.

Prevention, not intervention.

Huckabee earlier told reporters that there should be a greater push toward
insurance companies paying for preventive measures such as nutrition counseling
and cancer screenings that would cut down on higher health costs in the future.

"Anything we could do to help steer people to healthier habits comes back to us many times over and that's a real focus that needs to happen," Huckabee said.

"Right now, insurance companies will pay $100,000 or more for a quadruple bypass but wouldn't pay a couple hundred dollars for a person to have nutrition counseling and maybe to work with an exercise physiologist to determine how to get those extra pounds off. ... It's a lot better to spend some more money on the prevention side than it is on the intervention side."

And as for this statement from Sicko producer O'Hara:
"No wonder the Republicans are in such trouble - their entire plan to fix the health care system in this country is to tell people to lose weight," she said. ...Just because he [Mike Huckabee] stopped eating Twinkies by the bushel doesn't make that an outline for a national health care plan.
It's not about twinkies, sweetheart. It's about cold hard truth. If you're overweight, you're more likely to be plagued by injuries to joints, muscles, and bones that can't sustain your weight, and diseases like diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart disease, certain cancers, strokes, need I continue?

Our overweight, fast-food American society is all about super-sizing and big gulping and then asking the government to expand to cover their waist-lines. It IS about asking America to lose weight. When I take care of myself, I don't want to pay a special tax just so people who don't can get healthcare coverage for diseases related to their obesity. Universal health care? I'd like to start with Universal Self Responsibility.

And before you scream hypocrisy, I may need to lose a few pounds too. And if I linger until I get diagnosed with diabetes or heart disease, you can bet I'll work like hell to shed them. Or maybe, I'll do something to prevent that now.

1 comment:

Nick said...

The real solution is to quit having company sponsored insurance! Company sponsored insurance is group underwritten, which means they don't take individual health into consideration when figuring out your premium.

If fat people had to pay a higher premium because they were at greater risk, they might lose weight to lower their premium.

Money talks.