Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Kagen running scared

I just got in and turned on the 6:00 news. Right before my weekly dose of the Insider and celebrity gossip, I see a Steve Kagen ad.

It touts his vote to increase minimum wage, veterans benefits, some other accomplishment I missed while I had to run to the restroom to puke, and now his 'work to make drugs more affordable.'

The closer: "Steve Kagen is off to a good start."

Yuck. It's early for these kind of ads. Seems Dr. Millionaire knows he's vulnerable and wants to get a jump on misleading his constituents.


Anonymous said...

Normally I would say you are right on, but this time you have a flawed arguement. He didn't pay for those ads, a labor group did.

Please stay more accurate in the future.

lms said...

To Anonymous,
1. Instead of posting a petty comment anonymously, in response I would say to you, my post wasn't about WHO ran the ads. The fact is the ad ran is FOR Steve Kagen and therefore can be attributed to him, voters who favor him, and special interest and labor groups who are fearful of his 2008 demise. And running an ad at this point, no matter who you are, means you are scared of losing your job.
and 2. You misspelled argument, so therefore yours is flawed.

Anonymous said...

Wow, lms you are really stretching it. I agree with the other anonymous, "Seems Dr. Millionaire knows he's vulnerable". No, it seems the group who aired the commercial knows he's vulnerable. Please do not make your fellow conservatives look like idiots by making poorly constructed arguments. Don't you have better ammo than this? How about his voting record?

lms said...

anonymous the second- thanks for posting a name so I can attribute this comment to a "fellow conservative" ? Who CARES who paid for the ad- it's about Kagen and therefore from HIS CORNER - people who will vote for him and try to persuade others. You all really need to get a grip. My post was meant to apply universally to all the 8th CD constituents on Kagen's side, the special interest groups, and Kagen. You can bet he's in favor of those ads-

Can't you find something better to criticize on my blog than that measly post?